Sunday, 4 October 2015

Funny bloggers and their blogs

Big things of funny :
                            some bloggers are post some their own ideas and grazy,innovative things ,comedy newsand realisation of rational things
Many of us have grown up on video games and passed the gaming torch onto the next generation, creating a world of video games like never before. The problem is that the more guys and girls playing games, the more likely there will be garbage people that ruin it for everyone

Planned Big Brotherhood: The Republican Doublethink Contradictions (Part 3)

Unfortunately, as too many people in this fine nation seem content in basking in red, white and blue stupidity, "Ignorance Is Strength" because the inability of voters to recognize the contradictions of Republican presidential nominees cements the power of the totalitarian GOP

7 Things That Actually WILL Ruin Your Childhood

Sure, realizing Rugrats was filled with sex jokes might put a slight dent in your childhood memories, but let's have a look at some things that actually will ruin your childhood as it happens.
At the age of puberty, the writer discovers the great poets, chief among them Bob Dylan, and she gets a taste of the rebellious, majestic, and meteoric power of words

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