Thursday, 24 September 2015

open challenge to ios9 hackers,prize money one million dollars

                                  Apple developerrs gives an open challenge to the hackers as who hack the ios9 gives as prize money of 1 milliion dollars.
Institute who specializes in reviewing computers for evidence of hacks. "I would never see this. There could be funky stuff going on in the computer system, and I would never know why."

All computers have some kind of basic input/output system (BIOS), the core program that brings a machine to life. It's the kind of thing you should never tamper with. And it should obviously remain heavily guarded.

When a Mac goes into sleep mode and wakes back up, it allows direct access to the BIOS. It's a weird quirk that lets someone tamper with the code there. That's what was discovered recently by Pedro Vilaça, a curious independent computer security researcher in Portugal.
Several cybersecurity experts confirmed to CNNMoney that this is a real problem, and they plan to research further in the next few weeks.
This isn't an easy hack. An attacker first needs administrative access to a machine. But what this means is that if a Mac gets hacked with a low-level computer virus, it can bury so deep you'll never find it.

Tod Beardsley, a security research manager at cybersecurity firm Rapid7, stressed that most Mac users aren't likely to get hacked because of this bug. He said the flaw is "certainly surprising ... but the bar of difficulty is pretty high.

Vilaça decided not to name this bug. But every major computer flaw nowadays deserves a name. Given that it involves a poisonous kiss that wakes a sleeping Mac, Moussouris suggests this one

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