Sunday, 13 September 2015

Hacking is like wound ethical hacking is medicine

Ethical hacking:
            the hacking is the most headache for the world its like a cancer,so dont try for hacking.What this tells us is that the data is not being sanitised – in the examples above the ID should clearly be an integer
yet the value “1 OR 1=1” has been accepted. More importantly though, because this data has simply been appended to the query it has been able to change the function of the statement. Rather than just selecting a single record, this query will now select all records as the “1=1” statement will always be true. Alternatively, we could force the page to return no
records by changing “or 1=1” to “and 1=2” as it will always be false hence no results. Between these two alternatives we can easily assess if the app is at risk of an injection attack.
This is the essence of SQL injection – manipulating query execution with untrusted data – and it happens when developers do things like.

his is what’s referred to as a union query-based injection attack as we’ve simply appended an additional result set to the original and its made its way out directly into the HTML output – easy! Now that we know there’s a table called “User” we could do something like this
We could go on and on down this path and pull back all sorts of other data, let’s move on to the next attack though. There are times when a union-based attack isn’t going to play ball either due to sanitisation of the input or how the data is appended to the query or even how the result set is displayed to the page. To get around that we’re going to need to get a bit more creative.

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