Thursday, 29 January 2015

some body lizards are takes as pet?

Size: The largest lizard is the Komodo monitor. It can grow longer than a person. The smallest lizard is a tiny gecko.
Characteristics: Most lizards have dry, scaly skin. They have four legs, clawed feet, and a long tail. You can see their outside ear opening.
Lizards have a weak tail. A small bump or tug will break it off. This will puzzle the enemy. The lizard can get away. Not all lizards have weak tails.
Lizard tails help in balance and movement. Fat is stored in the tail. Losing the tail can be a big problem. Some lizards can grow a new tail.

Food: Some lizards eat bugs and spiders. Others eat plants, small animals, or even other lizards.
Most lizards use their eyes to look for food. Some use their sense of smell.
Lizards have jaws with teeth. They also have teeth on the roof of their mouth
Lizards are fun and easy to watch. They are most active on warm, summer days. On very hot days, some lizards hide.
Most lizards sleep through the winter. On warm days, they sometimes come out to eat.
Locomotion: Most lizards can run, climb, and cling. A few can swim.
People often see lizards dart over logs and rocks. They run quickly across the ground. However, some lizards have small, weak legs. These lizards move slowly.

Enemies: The lizard has many enemies. Some lizards are eaten by birds. They are also eaten by animals, snakes, and other lizards.
Defenses: Some lizards break off their tails to escape enemies. Other lizards may swell up, hiss, or move their tail or body to scare an enemy. Some lizards can change colors to hide.
Few lizards are dangerous. But, be careful of lizards. Many lizards bite or have sharp spines.
Other Threats: Human are a probem for lizards. Some people eat lizards or lizard eggs. In the past, people killed lizards and sold their skin.
The lizard's habitat is sometimes destroyed by people building towns or farms
This is just to show people that lizards learn their names, and will come to me when I call them. Also I am one of the first breeders in the U.S. of Blackthroat Monitors and Green Iguanas. I have worked with Mark Bayless on habitat and breeding techniques. I started before full blown internet, and most info was with dial up (AOL). I have been raising lizards for over 40 years steady and have had great success with my lizards. Thanks for watching my videos and I hope they can stimulate your mind on the possibilities on what reptiles can do.

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